Replace old fans with Rosenberg Ventilatoren GmbH now!
Reduce your monthly operating costs by an average of 50% and protect the environment through lower energy consumption.
The retrofitting of existing systems, especially the replacement of fans, has an huge energy saving potential. At the same time, today's fan technology can sustainably improve plant availability, maintenance and the building climate.
By replacing old, inefficient fans with modern, energy-efficient EC fans, up to 50% of energy and CO2 can be saved, depending on the building and system. Of course, this is also reflected in lower operating and energy costs - at relatively low investment costs: While the share of a fan in the investment costs of an HVAC system is a maximum of 3%, its share in the operating costs is up to 70%.
Numerous retrofit examples from various types of non-residential buildings - from hotels to airports - show that the payback period for a fan replacement is on average only between two and five years, depending on the system and building.
Obsolete fans are one of the main causes of excessive energy consumption in existing HVAC systems. In comparison, modern, energy-efficient fans easily achieve system efficiencies of 70 %. The more efficient components allow energy savings of up to 50 %.
The ECFanGrid is ideal for retrofitting existing HVAC equipment, especially when a single large centrifugal fan is to be replaced. Due to its smaller component size, the ECFanGrid can be carried into the building and installed by one or two people through standard doors.
In opposite to a conventional belt drive fan, which covers a relatively large floor area, the ECFanGrid is completely floor-free. This means that it is more effective to maintain hygiene within the air handling unit. No dust is released into the supply air as there is no more belt abrasion.
The ECFanGrid offers an absolute degree of reliability due to its "built-in" redundancy. In the unlikely event that a fan should fail, only this part of the airflow is lost. The loss of this airflow is then fully automatically compensated by increasing the speed of all other fans.
Obsolete fans are one of the main causes of excessive energy consumption in existing HVAC systems. In comparison, modern, energy-efficient fans easily achieve system efficiencies of 70 %. The more efficient components allow electricity savings of up to 50 %.
The ECFanGrid is ideal for retrofitting existing HVAC equipment, especially when a single large centrifugal fan is to be replaced. Due to its smaller component size, the ECFanGrid can be carried into the building and installed by one or two people through standard doors.
In opposite to a conventional belt drive fan, which covers a relatively large floor area, the ECFanGrid is completely floor-free. This means that it is more effective to maintain hygiene within the air handling unit. No dust is released into the supply air as there is no more belt abrasion.
The ECFanGrid offers an absolute degree of reliability due to its "built-in" redundancy. In the unlikely event that a fan should fail, only this part of the airflow is lost. The loss of this airflow is then fully automatically compensated by increasing the speed of all other fans.
What is particularly important to you? This depends on your point of view. Our ECFanGrid Retrofit System was developed to meet the needs of all interested parties.
Whether at the airport, in public buildings, office complexes, production halls or hotels, an ECFanGrid is used wherever older air handling units are in use for long periods of time. Here we show you a small selection of fan replacement projects already implemented.
The video shows the retrofit of an old belt drive fan to an energy-efficient ECFanGrid. The associated control cabinet, specially designed for redundancy, allows you to control an ECFanGrid like a single EC fan.
Installing an ECFanGrid Retrofit from Rosenberg is easier than you think. You will receive all necessary parts including assembly instructions. Of course we also offer you the installation by our service team.
In this brochure you will find a summary of all important information about ECFanGrid. Download: HERE